Skin/Edit Facials

Duration: 1 hour
Recommended every three months; may have a treatment every three to four weeks.
Get Red carpet ready with a customized facial created to give you an incredible glow. The Golden Cocktail Facial is a “fine touch” micro channel system that painlessly delivers beauty treatments at the ideal depth beneath the skin for maximum effect. Combined with a Skin/Edit treatment personalized for you, you’ll walk out with amazing, glowing skin.


Duration: 45 minutes to one hour to apply and adjust the mask. After the mask is applied, you will wear it for 8 hours thereafter. It is recommended to schedule this mask in the late afternoon so you can go home afterwards. No major physical exertion or sweating the rest of the day. Results will be dramatically noticeable in one week and full results in a month. This mask is a cosmetic lightening method used against blemishes that affect people with melisma and other forms of skin pigmentation. Safe for any skin type. Should be administered by a highly experienced certified provider. Expect one to two weeks of peeling.



  • The Golden Cocktail enhances and supplements nearly any facial treatment. Skin serums, acne therapies, micro-Botox, and custom facials are all brought beneath the surface of skin where they can work most effectively. This revolutionary approach is great for shrinking pores, reducing acne scarring or micro-pigmentation, and enhancing serums used with laser therapies.

  • The Enlighten Peel reduces and eliminates acquired skin blemishes for certain skin types of skin pigmentation that don’t respond to more traditional treatments, increasing skin luminosity and equalizing skin tone. This two-step prescription process actually communicates with your cells, bringing discolored pigmentation up to the surface to increase cell turnover, and then goes even deeper to inhibit discolored pigmentation.


Golden Cocktail Facial
$500/treatment and up depending on compounded mixture

Fire and Ice Facial
Price TBD

Enlighten Peel